Saturday, March 22, 2008

First things First

This is the year to take my art to a bold and more lucrative direction. The year to finish all the unfinished projects. The year to organize my studio. This year begins this Easter Eve! I'd like to look back at this next Easter Eve as the point where my plans came to fluidity.

The candelabras I've created for Kwanzaa. It's hard to think about Kwanzaa in March but if I want to have this in galleries and bookstores by December now is the time to begin promoting them. This is one of those unfinished projects I mentioned. Actually this is just one of 17 designs of kinaras I've created. These figures are one of my favorites. As you can see, each one is one-of a-kind original art.

This evening at the fine arts celebration in Scottsdale I realize I really should be doing that show. It's practically right in my backyard; it's a 40 Minute Drive. I will not make the decision today, but that doesn't mean I can't start planning.
To bed for me right now for tomorrow I must arise early to rejoice and be glad!